Ayurvedic Super Foods Using Spirulina

Here is no wonder that spirulina has become the mantra of the modern health world. It is a natural supplement prepared from algae, easily available in water sources. Ayurveda and other alternative systems have been using water plants such as algae in various treatments.

The word "Super food" is becoming more popular in the modern world for their special qualities of enhancing health and preventing diseases. They have been used by the alternative medicinal systems from ancient times. Such super foods can be found in Ayurvedic texts also and are also used in modern Ayurvedic treatments.

What are super foods?

The Super foods contain nutrients such as phyto-nutrients, vitamins and minerals in concentrated levels. They offer immune protection through their content of antioxidants and build the body for better health. Berries of various types, almonds, asparagus, broccoli, chlorella and spirulina are some examples of the

super foods available everywhere today.

Spirulina the eco-friendly panacea

Algae can grow in any water resource. The murky, clingy, and green algae found in the ponds and other water sources are one of the most nutritious foods found on the earth. The soft cell walls of algae or spirulina can make digestion easier and also absorb harmful toxins. It helps in maintaining metabolism and promoting immune power. Algae are eco-friendly and inexpensive. Spirulina is a refined form of these algae with the maximum health benefits.

Spirulina for health

Ayurvedic medicines include wonderful herbs such as spirulina which help in various ways to maintain health and prevent diseases. Spirulina is used as an important agent of rejuvenation, anti-aging and skin toning. It is a great source of nature, containing essential nutrients, such as

proteins, omega fatty acids, iron, and antioxidants. It is a natural detoxifier. It is the greatest solution for the modern problems of obesity, diabetes and skin problems.

Spirulina the wonder herb of modern health!

Malnutrition is one of the greatest challenges of the modern health world. Spirulina, got from algae serves in a very effective manner to meet this challenge. A recent article published on Natural News describes how it has been successfully used by the Catholic Nuns in the Central African Republic in solving malnutrition caused by the lack of food and had the worst effect on children in the region. They could use spirulina from algae to combat malnutrition.

Nowadays, Ayurvedic supplements containing spirulina are available in Ayurvedic stores. Algae can be grown in aquarium even at home. Algae can be used in various ways for culinary purpose also. Know more about spirulina and algae. Try to include such supplements in your diet to enhance your health and enjoy your happy days. Spirulina is nature’s power house!

(Based on an article published on Natural News)


Article Written By vpaulose

I am a freelance writer writing in many sites. I write on health, education, personality development, religion, etc. I have MS in Psychotherapy and Counseling, Doctorate in Alternative medicines, 36 years of teaching experience in Tamil Nadu, 2 years of Clinical experience in Kerala many medical certificates to my credit. I want to write a lot and reach the world.

Last updated on 30-07-2016 1K 1

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